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If you happen to be a Archer fanatic, you may want everything run on Arch Linux instead of any other distro. That’s including me.

When creating your own docker image, there are two options. One, use existing docker image. Two, roll your own docker image.

For the first option they are several base images that already exits in docker hub, you can try to search them in

For the second option, you can create your own rootfs, either manually from scratch or using script which is already provided by package arch-install-script. I use option two, with some modification.

My modification to pacstrap is,

--- /usr/bin/pacstrap   2015-02-16 03:10:54.000000000 +0700
+++ 2015-11-28 13:04:50.759971774 +0700
@@ -354,6 +354,9 @@
 mkdir -m 1777 -p "$newroot"/tmp
 mkdir -m 0555 -p "$newroot"/{sys,proc}

+## copy pacman db from host to newroot
+cp -r /var/lib/pacman/sync "$newroot"/var/lib/pacman/
 # mount API filesystems
 chroot_setup "$newroot" || die "failed to setup chroot %s" "$newroot"

which can be seen in line beginning with '+'. What its do is copying pacman database from host to chroot fs to minimize network IO when building image.


In this process I use zsh for scripting because its easy when working with arrays. Here is the procedure to create rootfs using pacstrap,

(1) List packages we want to install in a variable PKGS.

$ export PKGS=(coreutils sed gzip)

sed and gzip is used for generating locale, we can remove it later.

(2) Create empty directory for rootfs, e.g. ROOTFS

$ export ROOTFS=arch-rootfs
$ mkdir $ROOTFS

(2.1) mount it as tmpfs, for speeding up read/write operation.

$ mount -t tmpfs -o size=400MB tmpfs $ROOTFS

(3) Run pacstrap using ROOTFS and pass the PKGS as the parameters.

$ sudo -c -d $ROOTFS $PKGS

The '-c’ option is mandatory its mean use package cache in host rather than in target.

(4) Do something with ROOTFS (set hostname, locales, copying configuration files, cleaning, etc.)

The following steps can be running inside the rootfs using "arch-chroot $CHROOT" or directly from host. We will use the first option.

$ arch-chroot $ROOTFS /bin/sh

(4.1) Set hostname

# echo ${HOSTNAME} > /etc/hostname

(4.2) Set timezone

# cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC /etc/localtime

(4.3) Set locales

# echo "en_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8" > /etc/locale.gen
# echo "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" >> /etc/locale.gen

# /usr/bin/locale-gen

# echo "==> set locale preferences ..."
# echo "LANG=en_GB.UTF-8"    >  "$rootfs"/etc/locale.conf
# echo "LC_MESSAGES=C"        >> "$rootfs"/etc/locale.conf

(5) Create the docker image.

sudo tar --numeric-owner --xattrs --acls -C "$ROOTFS" -c . |
        docker import - yourname/yourimagename

Easy enough is not it? Well, here come the hardest part.

Cleaning the ROOTFS

Now, after you inspect the resulting image you see their size is quite big:

ms 0 % sudo du -sch $ROOTFS
200M    arch-rootfs
200M    total

We see that most of space is taken by "/usr" directory. Let see how the space spread in there,

ms 0 % sudo du -hd 1 $ROOTFS/usr | sort -h
0       arch-rootfs/usr/local
0       arch-rootfs/usr/src
11M     arch-rootfs/usr/bin
12M     arch-rootfs/usr/include
82M     arch-rootfs/usr/share
88M     arch-rootfs/usr/lib
192M    arch-rootfs/usr

What should we do?

First bin and lib directory. We will make sure that all binaries and libraries is stripped. Stripped binary/library will decrease their size.

$ sudo find $ROOTFS/usr/bin -type f \( -perm -0100 \) -print |
        xargs file |
        sed -n '/executable .*not stripped/s/: TAB .*//p' |
        xargs -rt strip --strip-unneeded

$ sudo find $ROOTFS/usr/lib -type f \( -perm -0100 \) -print |
        xargs file |
        sed -n '/executable .*not stripped/s/: TAB .*//p' |
        xargs -rt strip --strip-unneeded

Second, include directory. If your future image does not need compilation, you can remove all of them. I repeat again. If your future workflow does not need compilation, you can remove content in the "include" directory.

Third, the share directory. Let see their content,

ms 0 % sudo du -hd 1 $ROOTFS/usr/share | sort -h
[sudo] password for ms:
0       arch-rootfs/usr/share/misc
4,0K    arch-rootfs/usr/share/makepkg-template
16K     arch-rootfs/usr/share/tabset
40K     arch-rootfs/usr/share/licenses
80K     arch-rootfs/usr/share/readline
1,7M    arch-rootfs/usr/share/info
3,5M    arch-rootfs/usr/share/iana-etc
3,7M    arch-rootfs/usr/share/doc
4,5M    arch-rootfs/usr/share/zoneinfo
6,6M    arch-rootfs/usr/share/terminfo
9,7M    arch-rootfs/usr/share/i18n
11M     arch-rootfs/usr/share/man
16M     arch-rootfs/usr/share/locale
26M     arch-rootfs/usr/share/perl5
82M     arch-rootfs/usr/share

The "doc", "license", "locale", "man", "info", "zoneinfo", "iana-etc", and "readline" is save to remove.

The "i18n" is a bit tricky, you should only remove the file that you don’t need for locale.

Script to remove all charmaps except UTF-8.

# find $ROOTFS/usr/share/i18n/charmaps/ \! -name "UTF-8.gz" -delete

Script to remove all locales except en_GB and en_US.

find $ROOTFS/usr/share/i18n/locales/ \! -name "en_GB" \! -name "en_US" -delete

The last directory is terminfo. After searching and reading I found that not all terminfo is used, so we will remove all except common terminfo,

#  find $ROOTFS/usr/share/terminfo/ \
        \! -name ansi \
        \! -name cygwin \
        \! -name linux \
        \! -name screen-256color \
        \! -name vt100 \
        \! -name vt220 \
        \! -name xterm \

After all of this cleaning we got the final image to,

ms 0 % sudo du -sch arch-rootfs
144M    arch-rootfs
144M    total

144MB, that was not bad at all but still big for rootfs. Here is the dependencies of all installed packages,

     linux-api-headers <-\
iana-etc <- filesystem <- glibc <- ncurses <- readline <- bash <- gmp <- coreutils
                       gcc-libs <-/                  zlib <- openssl <-/
                                         db, gdbm <- perl <-/
                                                         attr <- acl <-/
                                                              libcap <-/

Want more extreme size? Force remove package less, sed, gzip, perl, db, and gdbm.

$ sudo pacman -r $ROOTFS -Rdd --noconfirm less sed gzip perl db gdbm

and we got,

ms 0 % sudo du -sch arch-rootfs
87M     arch-rootfs
87M     total

Small enough. We can compare it with latest Centos image [1] which is around 63 MB, we still left around 20 MB behind.


Finding and creating the smallest possible base docker image using Arch Linux is possible, with minimum size roughly around ~90 MB, and it depends on your use case or how do want the image to be used. You don’t need Dockerfile to do it. In my use case I prefer not to installing pacman in image, if I want to create an image for another use case, I will just run pacstrap and install all the required packages. For example, here is image for postgresql, redis, nodejs:

REPOSITORY                 TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
sulhan/arch-sailsjs        latest              2eb953910b73        13 minutes ago      438.3 MB
sulhan/arch-nodejs         latest              ac73cf5c1d36        17 minutes ago      351.6 MB
sulhan/arch-redis          latest              a2de7d62a807        21 minutes ago      100.5 MB
sulhan/arch-postgresql     latest              5568162e33a0        29 minutes ago      129.6 MB
sulhan/arch-base           latest              2af8f94bb6b7        41 minutes ago      86.92 MB

After pushing to my docker hub [3], I am a little bit surprise that the website said that for my arch-base the image size is 32 MB instead of 86 MB [4], and my arch-postgresql is only 49 MB not 128 MB. I have no idea why they were different.

If we want a better lightweight image, not just in docker but in normal system, while still using Arch, there is no other way than modified the original package, i.e. splitting between doc, devel, and locales; and minimize the dependencies between packages by splitting them into only more specific function. For example, sha*sum binaries could be split into openssl-tools, not as part of coreutils. If only the Arch package maintainers care about size and function, this would be easy since the start, no manual cleaning and no force-remove packages.

If you want a better lightweight image for your docker, there is no other way than stiching it by hand and create it manually using rootfs.

The source code for all scripts is in github [2].