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I am too excited to not published it now, because this pet is really save my bandwidth and make my Internet connection one step more fast than before. Although it’s not finished yet, but for daily use It rocks!

So here it is,

			      <<< rescached >>>
			 ~ a resolver cache daemon ~
		 { brought to you by (ɔ) 2010 }

I should make a logo and attach it here or add a blink tag, but my soul is on vacation right now.

So what is rescached? what can it do?

rescached is a program that caching all DNS queries and answers that user ask to him.

To make it simple, when you opening page on your browser, browser will ask the system "what is the IP address of ?" System will pass this question to one of the DNS servers that you set on your system; and after one of the DNS server answer it, system will extract it and pass the answer to your browser, "this is IP address of".

browser -> system -> (one or more DNS server) -> system -> browser

Your browser and your system will do this every times, every days, and every nights you opening page. Remember that those DNS servers probably is not in your neighbourhood, it could be in another city, state, or country; traveling across buildings, under the sea, just to ask "what is IP address of ?"

Rescached come to your system, with an empty box ready to filled up with anything about hostname and IP address. So, when you opening page, instead of asking DNS servers, system will ask rescached program first, rescached program will check in his box if it had an IP address of If it does not exist, rescached will pass the question to DNS servers, save the answer in his box and pass the answer back to the system.

browser -> system -> rescached -> system -> browser

All this process only happened in your internal computer, does not pass through the wire.

Now, imagine average user browsing activity. Lots of page, lots of links, lots of DNS query pass through the wires.

What is the different between rescached and another DNS cache daemon ?

Your computer does not run every times, some times you need to restart it or shutting it down. Rescached developer know this. So, instead of passing the same question every times computer restarted, rescached save all IP address that his have in his box to your hard disk when the system down or when you turned the rescached program off. So, after computer is restarted and rescached program is running again, rescached will read all IP address that his save on your hard disk and put it in his box again. So, rescached still know the answer for any host name that the system ask from last activity.

How many IP address it can hold in his box ?

A lot. It is depend on your setting, it can be 100, 2000, 30000, or 400000. You can set this value on rescached configuration file. Of course it also depend on how much memory do you have on your system.

So, why you still here ? Go there [1] .

Arch Linux user can installed it from AUR [2].

Git it, make it, run it!