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Usually every saturday my friends and I have a LAN party at his "apartment". I usually come once a month too sync :) my "world" with the outside "world".

Suddenly last month i got these,

  • 200 pounds beauty

  • Akhibara

  • Bedazzled

  • Body of Lies

  • Che Guevara

  • Day Night Day Night

  • Gangs of New York

  • Get Smart

  • Hellcats

  • ip man

  • Italian Job

  • Legendary Assassin

  • Lovers Concerto

  • No Country For Old Man

  • Revolutionary Road

  • Seven Pounds

  • Slumdog Millionaire

  • TaeGukGi

  • The Bank Job

  • The Classic

  • The Crew

  • The Lakehouse

  • The Love Guru

  • Tropic Thunder

  • Tunnel Rats

  • Twilight

  • Victim

  • Wedding Daze

  • Windstruck

  • Zack Miri Make a Pr0n

Damn it, that was too many! Must. Watch. It!