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Draft version 0.1

8rowser is a browser, of course, for web application as the main purpose, and for normal browsing, as the normal purpose.

8rowser user interface

  • Application start in fullscreen, so no border

  • no home button, but we have a restart button. Restart mean restart.

  • Back, Forward button and address bar is auto hidden in a bottom

  • virtual page is when user opened/clicked a new link, they will opened in a virtual page, in Firefox/Opera we say a new Tab.

  • shorcut to virtual page is at a top, auto hidden too, where they like an application shorcut button

  • MiniMe is at bottom. MiniMe is a text scroll from right to left (like a marquee), that display user registration News, user RSS feeds, current page ads, etc.

  • Text in MiniMe can be clicked to open a new virtual page.

  • When user move their mouse in MiniMe, the scroll is stop and show a mini popup window, that display where this text belong, plus the rest of text that should be show.

  • Menu is opened when user press ESC key

  • Menu is close when user press ESC key again

  • Bookmarks is at bottom in left side of Back button. They appear as drop down menu or like [K] menu in KDE.

  • There is no download manager, but user can save html pages, any link beside ".html", should be download by external download manager. Set in "Preferences" page.

  • Last part is close button, is at top right corner, auto hidden with virtual page shortcut.

Normal view with MiniMe at a bottom:

  |                                                                       |
  |                                                                       |
  |  -------------------------------------------                          |
  |  |                                         |  | Search |              |
  |  -------------------------------------------                          |
  |                                                                       |
  |                                                                       |
  | inux released | Buy HP Laptop here! | Watch Die Hard 4.0 trai |

MiniMe when pointer move on them:

  |                                                                       |
  |                                                                       |
  |     -------------------------------------------  ----------           |
  |/----------------\                             |  | Search |           |
  || |------------------------------  ----------           |
  || - remove CIFS  |                                                     |
  || - Fix CFS bug  |                                                     |
  | released | Buy HP Laptop here! | Watch Die Hard 4.0 trailer.. |

With Back, Forward, Bookmarks button and address bar view:

  |                                                                       |
  |                                                                       |
  |  -------------------------------------------   ----------             |
  |  |                                          |  | Search |             |
  |~~~~~~~~~~~| ---------------------------------  ----------             |
  | Manual >> |                                                           |
  | Fun >>    |===========================================================|
  | Home      | Buy HP Laptop here! | Watch Die Hard 4.0 trailer... | App |
  | Bookmarks | < |  [ type web address here                        ] | > |

With virtual page button view, and Close button (at top right corner):

  | << | [icon] [icon] [icon] [icon] [icon] [icon] [icon] [icon] | >> | X |
  |                                                                       |
  |                                                                       |
  |  ---------------------------------  ----------                        |
  |  |                               |  | Search |                        |
  |  ---------------------------------  ----------                        |
  |                                                                       |
  | uy HP Laptop here! | Watch Die Hard 4.0 trailer... | Apple gift $100  |

Menu button view: (when user pres ESC key)

  |                                                                       |
  |       |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|                                    |
  |  -----| Preferences              |  ----------                        |
  |  |    | Restart                  |  | Search |                        |
  |  -----| Quit                     |  ----------                        |
  |       |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|                                    |
  | Die Hard 4.0 trailer... | Apple gift $100 | blog is block | Another a |
  | < |  [ type web address here                                     ]| > |