"goodbye, and don’t miss me!"
Thank you to Yahoo! that has been with me, for almost 4 years in the internet.
Today I am deleting my account 'mshulhan@yahoo.com’ in Yahoo!

** This is only a notification. You do NOT need to respond. ** This email is to confirm that your Yahoo! account, "mshulhan," has been recently terminated per your request. Your account has been deactivated and will be deleted from our user registration database in approximately 90 days. This delay is necessary to discourage users from engaging in fraudulent activity. To satisfy terms agreed to in the Yahoo! Finance Terms of Service, personal information for users subscribed to Yahoo! Finance Premium Services will be kept by Yahoo! for at least 3 years after the subscription date. If you did not request this action or believe you've received this message in error, please contact asia-account@yahoo-inc.com. Thank you for using Yahoo!. You can always sign up for a new account by clicking on any "Sign In" or "Sign Me Up" link appearing on the front page of most Yahoo! Services. Yahoo! Member Services
And guest what … today is March 2 celebrating their success in the web.